Unraveling the Mystery: How Long Would a Hard Drive Platter Spin to Circle the Globe? And to Reach the Moon?

Imagine a hard drive platter, the shiny, circular disk that stores all your data, spinning on a perfectly flat surface. How long would it take to circle the globe? Or even reach the moon? These questions may seem whimsical, but they can provide a fascinating perspective on the scale of our world and the universe. Let’s delve into the math and physics behind these scenarios to unravel the mystery.

Understanding the Basics

Before we start, let’s clarify some basics. A hard drive platter is typically 3.5 inches in diameter, which gives it a circumference of about 11 inches or 0.0279 meters. The Earth’s circumference is approximately 40,075 kilometers, and the average distance to the moon is about 384,400 kilometers.

Calculating the Journey Around the Globe

To calculate how many rotations a hard drive platter would need to make to circle the globe, we divide the Earth’s circumference by the platter’s circumference. This gives us approximately 1.43 billion rotations. If a hard drive spins at a typical speed of 7200 revolutions per minute (RPM), it would take about 2.8 years of continuous spinning to circle the globe.

Reaching for the Moon

Now, let’s aim higher and calculate the journey to the moon. Using the same method, we find that the hard drive platter would need to make about 13.8 trillion rotations. At 7200 RPM, this journey would take a staggering 26,300 years! Clearly, a hard drive platter isn’t the most efficient mode of space travel.

Considering Real-World Factors

Of course, these calculations are purely theoretical and don’t account for real-world factors. For instance, a hard drive platter wouldn’t be able to maintain a constant speed due to friction and air resistance. Additionally, the Earth isn’t a perfectly flat surface, and the distance to the moon varies as it orbits the Earth.


While it’s unlikely that anyone will be using a hard drive platter as a vehicle anytime soon, this thought experiment provides a fun and engaging way to understand the scale of our world and the universe. It also highlights the incredible precision and speed of modern technology. So, the next time you save a file on your computer, take a moment to appreciate the tiny, spinning disk that makes it all possible.