Affordable Meal Prep: Cost of Simple Vegetable Meal for 10 People

Preparing a meal for a large group can be a daunting task, especially when you’re on a budget. However, with careful planning and smart shopping, it’s possible to create a delicious and nutritious vegetable meal for 10 people without breaking the bank. This article will break down the cost of preparing a simple Indian meal consisting of dal, rice, one sabji, five chapatis, raita, and papad, and provide tips on how to make the process more affordable.

Cost Breakdown

Let’s break down the cost of each component of the meal:

  • Dal: A 2lb bag of lentils costs around and will be more than enough for 10 servings.
  • Rice: A 5lb bag of rice costs around and will also be more than enough for 10 servings.
  • Sabji: The cost of vegetables can vary greatly depending on what you choose to include in your sabji. However, you can expect to spend around for enough vegetables to serve 10 people.
  • Chapati: A 5lb bag of whole wheat flour costs around and will be enough to make around 50 chapatis.
  • Raita: A 32oz container of yogurt costs around , and a cucumber and a few spices will add another to the cost.
  • Papad: A pack of 10 papads costs around .

So, the total cost of the meal comes to around , or just under per person. This is a very affordable price for a nutritious and filling meal.

Money-Saving Tips

Here are a few tips to make your meal prep even more affordable:

  • Buy in bulk: Buying ingredients like rice, lentils, and flour in bulk can save you a lot of money in the long run.
  • Shop seasonally: Vegetables are usually cheaper when they’re in season, so try to plan your sabji around what’s currently available at a lower price.
  • Use cheaper vegetables: Some vegetables are consistently cheaper than others. Potatoes, onions, and carrots, for example, are usually quite affordable.
  • Make your own papad: If you have the time and the inclination, making your own papad can be a fun and cost-effective alternative to buying them.

With these tips in mind, you should be able to prepare a delicious and affordable vegetable meal for 10 people. Happy cooking!